
26 December 2012

Parashah Vayechi

This picture of a hand giving Yaacov's blessing of "Hamalach Hagoel" was the blessing Yaacov gave to Ephraim and Menashe on his deathbed.

 When Yosef saw that his father had placed his right hand on Ephraim's head, he was displeased. He tried to lift his father's hand from Ephraim's head and place it on Menashe's.
"That's not the way it should be done, Father," said Yosef. "The other one is the first-born. Place your right hand on his head." 

 His father refused and said, "I know, my son, I know. The older one will also become a nation. He too will attain greatness. But his younger brother will become even greater, and his descendants will become full-fledged nations."
On that day Yaacov blessed them. He said, "In time to come Israel will use you as a blessing. They will say, 'May HaShem make you like Ephraim and Menashe.'" He deliberately put Ephraim before Manasseh. ( 

Yaacov called for his sons. When they came, he said, "Come together, and I will tell you what will happen in the course of time.
Come and listen, sons of Yaacov; listen to your father Israel.
Help children review the Birchas Yaakov from Parshas Vayechi, including each shevet’s symbol  by playing this spinner game. This is a fun, educational, self-checking method of review since if the cards are placed in the correct spots; a beautiful picture of the Birchas Yaakov will be formed.
Game Instructions:
1. Print, cut and laminate the spinner, gameboard, and cards.
2. Each card has a picture.
3. Attach Velcro to each square of the gameboard and the side of each card.
4. Spin the spinner.
5. Find the card for that Shevet
6. If the cards are placed in the correct places, a beautiful picture will be created.

19 December 2012

parashah vaiygash

Judah approaches Joseph and begs him to free Benjamin. He even offers himself as a slave, yes he offers to stay in Egypt as Joseph's slave instead of Benjamin! As long as Benjamin is set free and allowed to return to his father's home in Canaan. At this point, when Joseph sees how much his brothers care about one another, he can no longer hold back his feelings. He sends all his servants and guards out of the room, and when he and his brothers are left alone he cries and says "I am Joseph, is my father still alive?"
A creative project for students to visualize the differences between the way Yosef
appeared to his brothers as the Egyptian viceroy and how he looked to them
once he revealed himself.
Tape the two faces of Yosef onto the Vayigash page so that the faces can be flipped up.
The bottom face should be the one of Yosef as the loving brother (with beard, smile, kippah)
The top face should be the one of Yosef as the Egyptian ruler ( with beard and angry look)

Serach played on her kinor, Yosef is alive
Yaakov was so happy when the wagons did arrive
When Yaakov saw Yosef after so many years
They hugged one another and cried happy tears 
Children are delighted to use this harp, made out of a wooden
hanger that really "plays" music, just like Serach’s did in Parshas

Both projects from

13 December 2012

Wood Star of David

A wood blue painted Star of David with a silver floreal decoration we made on it.
Used as Chanukah hanging decoration

parashah miketz - Shabbath Channukah

Pharaoh dreams. He stands by the Nile and watches seven fat, beautiful cows pasture together. Moments later, seven gaunt, ugly cows approach the others. They stare at each other. The seven skinny cows devour the seven fat cows. Pharaoh wakes up.
The same night, Pharaoh dreams again: Seven perfect, healthy ears of grain grow on a stalk. Seven parched ears grow after them. The cracked and dry ears swallow the beautiful and bursting ears.
 the fat cow

and the skinny cow.


10 December 2012

Miketz - Shabbat Chanukah I

Title: Miketz - Shabbat Chanukah I
Echelon Art Gallery
Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Water Colors
Medium: Water Color on Paper
Size: 26-1/2" x 18-1/2"

Channukah hanging menorah

Painted poposticks door hanging menorah.

04 December 2012

Channukah tissue menorah

Simple quilt and sewing tissue and felt menorah

03 December 2012

Channukah paper menorah

This all-paper menorah allows students to add the correct number of candles each night of Chanukah using Velcro.
Find the template and instructions HERE

parashah Vayeshev

Yaacov favors Yosef over his other brothers. Yaacov even makes him a beautiful coat of many colors.


Yosef dreams about 12 bushels of wheat. Yosef 's bushel rises up and the other bushels bow down to it. When he repeats the dream to his brothers, he is laughed at and they ask him if he really believes that they will ever really bow down to him. His brothers hate him more because of the dream.
Yosef has another dream where the sun and moon and 11 stars are bowing down to him. When he repeats the dream his father scolds him saying, "Will I, your mother, and your brothers bow down to you?"


28 November 2012

Channukah decorations

Multicolor painted pop sticks Star of David hanging decoration

27 November 2012

parasha vayishlach - the name

The angel that Yaacov wrestles with blesses him saying "Your name will no longer be Yaacov, but Israel, because you have struggled with G.d and with men and have overcome." 
So we focused on names and their personal meaning and made a board with our Jewish names ,their meaning and the things that represents us with our name.
Everyone speaks about their name or names and what it means literally or personally and with images.

parashah Vayshlach - Yaacov gifts

Yaacov hears that Esau is on the warpath so he prepares for war, prays and sends Esau gifts of appeasement. Yaacov fights with an angel and wins, but he retains ...

Images of Yaacov gifts to Esau to put inside the little gift cartoon box
Tha gifts are...ready 

Channukah bulletin board 3

An hour glass timepiece which helps  visually connect Chanukah to today. This bulletin board stimulates an awareness of Hashgachas Hashem and an appreciation for His
kindness that is as relevant now as it was during the Chanukah story.