
16 March 2012

Shabbath Para with children

My daughters painted red two toy cows so for Shabbath Para we had our Para Aduma

This Shabbath is Shabbat Para, the 2nd of 4 special Shabbatot before Passover. 
We read about the Para Aduma, the rare red heifer, whose ashes were used in the bizarre and mysterious purification rite of the ancient Temple. 
The message for us is that it’s time to begin planning to purify our homes and ourselves for Passover. 
But when we take a close look at the text of that purification rite of the ancient Temple, we immediately ask, “It makes no sense; how could this be?”
For this rite, the ashes of the Red Heifer were sprinkled on those that had become impure, usually because of contact with the dead, and they became pure, while those who prepared the ashes became impure. 
Even King Solomon questioned the understanding of this rite when he said (Mishley 7:23): “I said I would be wise, but it is far from me.” 
Perhaps it is because, in the presence of death, there are no answers, only questions.
Shabbath Shalom!