
11 April 2012

Pesach easy to make little biscuits

Almond biscuits (parve)
200 g of almonds
100 g of sugar
2 eggs white
vanilla extract
pinch of cinnamon
powdered  sugar
Reduce the powdered almonds with sugar in a mixer, then add vanilla and cinnamon.
Whisk the egg white and then put it with almond mixing well.
Make with a t teaspoon little balls in a baking pan (keep distance between the balls).
Bake in oven at 50 C for 20 ', then let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

choco hazelnuts biscuits (not parve)
100 g matza flour
90 g hazelnuts
30 g bitter cocoa
80 g butter
100 g sugar
Whip in a blender peeled hazelnuts and sugar. Add the flour, cocoa and butter in pieces.
Mix up to have a smooth batter, place in refrigerator for about 20 ', then make small balls with the dough in a baking dish. Bake for 15 'at 180C, let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Nissan impression booklet

the booklet we made with the pictures of my daughters taste of spring and colour impression of the month of Nissan

10 April 2012

sefirat haOmer poster

A beautiful Sefiras HaOmer Counting Poster to decorate and use in children room to count
Sefiras HaOmer. The bright colors and clear design makes this poster an educational and
attractive decoration.
Stepping Up to the Torah Poster (find the PDF at
• Counting girl(s) or boy(s)
• 49 rough Velcro dots
• 1 soft Velcro dot
Print the tiled poster and tape together. Laminate poster if you want. 
Place rough Velcro dots on each stone leading up to the Torah 
Cut out and laminate the Counting child that best represents your child (a choice of 3, 1 girl, 1 boy & 1 Chasidishe boy) 
Laminate Counting child 
Put soft Velcro dot on back of Counting Child 
Ready to move the Counting child up as each day of the Omer progresses

09 April 2012

Nissan colours

Some colours of Nissan chosen by my daughters...hope you like them!
We are planning to do some nice  homemade Nissan borders for them...

Pesach pillows

Our Pesach pillows for a very confortable Seder night.
I made them  for my family. Specially cross stich decorated for my daughters.
If interested in measures and cross stich samples contact me by mail.