
18 May 2012

Parashah Bechukotai 2

I will give your rain in due season (26:3)
And the trees of the field shall yield their fruit (26:3)

and so we we saw the growing of a little beans plant we previously planted weeks ago and gave water to it, thanking Hashem to make it grow.

parashah Bechukotai

If you walk in My statutes...
The word chok ("statute" or "decree"), which gives the Parshah of Bechukotai its name, literally means "engraved".
The Torah comes in two forms: written and engraved. On the last day of his life, Moshè inscribed the Torah on parchment scrolls. But this written Torah was preceded by an engraved Torah: the Divine law was first given to us encapsulated in the Ten Commandments, which were etched by the hand of G-d in two tablets of stone.
So for parashah Bechukotai we decided to engrave the letters of Shemà Yisrael into modelling clay, like on a stone.