
24 May 2012

Sewn felt toy Torah

Torah a toy made ​​of felt.
We used two rolling pins to which I glued the two ends of a strip of white felt quite long. 
Then I sewed some blue felt as the coverage of our sefer adding a golden ribbon. Then decorated it with a marker an acrylic gold marker. Ready to use to teach the Matan Torah.

Shavuot Sinay board

A board showing the flowered Har Sinay (made of green felt and tissue and felt flowers, as the clouds). The fence is made of chopsticks.Then the printed tablets are attached with velcro as the two Torah crowns.

Shavuot cookies

An "har Sinay" made of choco cookies covered with flowers and roses shaped cookies for Shavuot.

22 May 2012

Shavuot. Ten commandments tablets box

A cardboard box (you can use a  chocolates box) with removables laminated paper tables with Asèret hadvarìm.
Outside box, covered up with purple crepe paper

inside the box the two commandments tablets, removable, being attached with velcro and ten little images for the children to match up with the ten commandments.

parashah Bamidbar

Tribal flags in the Machane
Starting a new sefer! Sefer Bamidbar. This parsha has lots of lists and numbers but it also introduces the concept of the 12 tribes and the design of the encampment in the desert which is fun and interesting.
My daughters are familiar with the concept of the 12 sons from Parshat Vayetze so I now wanted to introduce them to the concept of the twelve tribes that descended from those original twelve. To start we looked at pictures of how the Machane (camp) was laid out. 
For example this one you find in the text of a dvar torah on Bar Ilan's website by Gabi Cohen:

Then you start flag making. I found these great little images of the tribes' symbols, printed, cut them out and laminated .Then attached them onto barbecue chopsticks  To illustrate how the tribes were arranged around the Mishkan we took a rectangle of foam, glued in the center an image of the Mishkan and placed all around , in the right order, the flags of the tribes.
 This makes for a great project  to demonstrate where the tribes were situated.

20 May 2012

Yom Yerushalayim clay and mosaic framework

 יום ירושלים, Yom Yerushalayim, is an Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in June 1967. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared Jerusalem Day a minor religious holiday to thank God for victory in the Six-Day War and for answering the 2,000-year-old prayer of "Next Year in Jerusalem".  
Yom Yerushalayim begins in the Diaspora on: Sat, 19 May 2012 at sundown (28th of Iyyar, 5772)
Frameworks of modeling clay with a view of Jerusalem.  

The frame is made with mosaic tiles. Give the children a piece of clay and make a rectangle of it, then draw with the children (while the older ones can drawn by themselves),engraving with the tip end of a pencil, a view of Jerusalem. Paint with white acrylic paint and then glue the mosaic tiles to do the frame, pressing  well into the clay. Once dry (leave it overnight in the open air) retraced the outlines of the drawing with the colors of your choice . If you like glue the picture on a thin wood base or support.