
16 October 2012

parashah Noach

Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with G-d. 
 G‑d instructs Noah—the only righteous man in a world consumed by violence and corruption—to build a large wooden teivah (“ark”), coated within and without with pitch. A great deluge, says G‑d, will wipe out all life from the face of the earth; but the ark will float upon the water, sheltering Noah and his family, and two members (male and female) of each animal species.
2Rain falls for 40 days and nights, and the waters churn for 150 days more before calming and beginning to recede. The ark settles on Mount Ararat, and from its window Noah dispatches a raven, and then a series of doves, “to see if the waters were abated from the face of the earth.” When the ground dries completely—exactly one solar year (365 days) after the onset of the Flood—G‑d commands Noah to exit the teivah and repopulate the earth.
Colour clay doves for parashah Noach yonah

parashah Noach - Rainbow covenant

In the twenty-seventh day of the second month of the following year God told Noah "Come out of the ark with your family, and all the animals and birds."
Noah gave Thanks to God. God was pleased with Noah. God made a covenant with Noah and promised that He would never destroy everything with a flood again. Then God placed a brilliantly colored rainbow across the sky. 

we painted some pasta macaroni with brightfull acrylic colours.

to glue them together to make a merry rainbow to remember G.d's promise made to Noach

or to make colourfull necklaces

parashah Noach - Babel tower

The building of the Tower of Babel and the Confusion of Tongues (languages) in ancient Babylon with paper roll.
The Tower of Babel stood for mankind attempting to become equal with God. The people attempted to build a temple into heaven. God did not like the direction He saw man headed in, so He made them speak in different languages. This led to a dispersion of mankind across the Earth.
We tried to write on it as many languages as we could remember, then you can teach your children where these languages are spoken and show them the countries on a world map or with an online search.

world map

rosh chodesh Cheshvan - Mar Cheshvan

 children reproduction of Rachel Imeinu burial site
11 Cheshvan - Rachel Imeinu passes away on the eleventh of Cheshvan, while giving birth to her 2nd son, Binyamin, Rachel, the beloved wife of Ya'akov, died, and was buried on the road to Bethlehem.
The site of her burial in Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem, known to us by tradition, is covered by a stone edifice.
For millennia, Jews have come to this site to pour forth their hearts in prayer, and to awaken her merit in any time of travail, for the community as well as for the individual.
Our mother Rachel was not buried in the tile cave of Machpelah in Hevron together with the other Matriarchs and Patriarchs of our people. Instead, she was buried on the road to Jerusalem, exactly where she died, while coming back to Jerusalem from the House of Lavan with Ya'akov.