
31 October 2012

parashah VaYera 3

Lot's wife shaped with salt dough.
My daughters idea and their modelling craft for rapresenting Lot's wife turned into a salt statue while she looked back whem escaping from Sedom.

30 October 2012

parashah VaYera 2

He said, 'Sir, if you would, do not go on without stopping by me.  Let some water be brought, and wash your feet. Rest under the tree.
Yukach-na me'at-mayim verachatsu ragleychem vehisha'anu tachat ha'ets.

We made for parashah VaYera the children footprints on paper with blue paint.

29 October 2012

autumn break...

Learn to draw a squirrel.

click here for the squirrel

Wild animals facts
click here

Maple leaf template 

Parashah VaYera

HaShem appeared to Abraham in the Plains of Mamre while Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the day. The strangers got up to leave and Abraham got up to see them on their way.
HaShem said, "Should I hid from Abraham what I am going to do? Through him there will be a mighty nation." Then HaShem said, "The outcry against Sodom is great and their sin is grave. I shall go and see if it is true." The strangers departed for Sodom. HaShem and Abraham talked on.

The welcoming tree project 

download it here
Avraham's tent 

download it here
Akeidas Yitzack story
A summary of the basic story line of Akeidas Yitzchak with fill-ins to complete. This can be used as a guide when teaching or as review after the lesson.
The story can either be taught when learning Parshas Vayeira or when learning about
Rosh Hashanah. (The Midrash Says)

download it here
Vayera sequencing 
download it here