
parashah Toldot - Edible parashah

The red lentil soup


Yaacov and Eisav cookies

parashah Toldot

The portion is named Toldot, literally "the descendants", because it begins with the tale of the descendants of Isaac.
This week's portion begins with the story of the birth of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Esau. Rebecca is barren, and Isaac prays to God for her to have a child. During the pregnancy, the children struggled within her, and she received a prophecy telling her that she is carrying two nations, and the older will serve the younger. The first of the twins to be born is Esau, and after him, holding on to his heal, Jacob is born. The children grow up and Esau is a man of the field while Jacob is a quiet tent-dweller.

 HERE you find the template

This project was done using  senses. It was made by taking a red (for Eisav) and blue (for Yaacov) cardboard and having the children do a fun sensory activity of various stuff, smooth for Yaacov and rough for Eisav.