
03 January 2013

parashah Shemot 2

Play dough briks pyramid

learn how to draw and make a pyramid with play dough modelled briks while explaining the slavery of the jewish people in Egypt

parashah Shemot

Jocheved gives birth to a son, and of course, she is afraid that he will be killed, so, at first, she hides him in her house. But then, when she is afraid that the Egyptians will find him, she makes him a little waterproof cradle and hides it in the long grasses near the edge of the river. 

As it happens, Pharaoh's daughter comes down to the river to bathe, and she notices this strange little basket floating in the river. She sends her maid to get it, and she sees a crying little baby inside! She names the boy Moses and decides to take him home and raise him as her son. That's how it happens that Moses, a Jewish boy, grows up in the palace.

here you find the origami instructions