
09 January 2013

08 January 2013

parashah va'era - makkot

Ten makkot matching game. You find it HERE


parashah Va'era

The Staff Becomes a Serpent
Moshè and Aaron came to Pharaoh. They did exactly as HaShem had said. Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh, and it became a viper.
Pharaoh summoned his scholars and magicians. The master symbolists were able to do the same thing with their magic tricks.
When each one threw down his staff, the staffs all turned into vipers. Aaron's staff then swallowed up their staffs. But Pharaoh remained obstinate and did not pay attention to them, just as HaShem had predicted.

Moshè stick turns to snake
HERE the snake template
The first Seven Plagues
HaShem said to Moshè, "Pharaoh is obstinate and he refuses to let the people leave. Pay a call on Pharaoh in the morning, when he
goes out to the water. Stand where you will meet him on the bank of the Nile. Take in your hand the staff that was transformed into a snake. Say to him: HaShem, Lord of the Hebrews, has sent me to you with the message, Let My people leave, and let them worship 
Me in the desert 
Ten makkot mini booklet

 HERE you find the booklet template

Shemot - baby Moshè

My six years daughter made this fuse beads baby Moshè in the basket