
25 January 2013

Shabbath Shalom, Happy Tu B'Shevat!

I wish you all Shabbath Shalom and a Tu be’Shevat Sameach !

24 January 2013

Feeding the birds on Shabbath Beschalach

This Friday – Take a Bird to Lunch.
There is a minhag to feed birds on Shabbat Shira (better on Fri.) as an act of HAKARAT HATOV on two different levels.
There is an old custom to feed birds on Shabbat Shira. Note that there are halachic problems with feeding animals other than one's own on Shabbat. Sefer HaToda'ah, for example, says that one should provide for the birds on Erev Shabbat Shira, not on Shabbat itself.
The reasons given for this custom help us in a gentle way to become more sensitive to the needs of the animals around us. There is a tradition that on the first Shabbat of the Manna, not only did people go out looking for Manna, but they (wicked people, says Rashi) had previously scattered Manna around the camp in order to find it and "make a liar out of Moshe".
Birds came by early in the morning and ate up the Manna, thus protecting the honor of Moshe, and of G-d Who had said that Manna would not fall on Shabbat. In repayment "one good turn deserves another" style, we feed the birds around this Shabbat when we read of the Manna in the weekly portion.
Another reason for the custom is given. In this sedra, we joyously sing praise to G-d for His having taken us out of Egypt and saved us from the Egyptians. Singing is the special domain of the birds. That is how they express themselves in acknowledgement of the Creator (so to speak - or so to sing). We borrowed their skill; therefore we "pay royalties" on our Song by feeding birds on (before) this Shabbat.
We should not see this custom as just throwing a few crumbs to the birds. The act is a reminder of our obligation to repay kindnesses, HAKARAT HATOV, and of our attitude and treatment of the world's creatures in general.

Find HERE and HERE  the winter birds from Becca Karen

Shabbath Shirà

MIRIAM "artistic" tambourine
I bought cake pan and added a plastic plate and made a joyfull tamburine for the girls to play
Miriam's Song
Miriam the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took the drum in her hand, and all the women followed her with drums and dancing. Miriam led them in the response, "Sing to HaShem for His great victory, horse and rider He cast in the sea."

our Tu b'Shevat tree this year

We are going to plant a pomegranate this year for Tu B'Shevat
 While the children planted dates seeds for Tu b'Shevat

Parashah Beshalach 2 - pillar of cloud

The pillar of cloud turning pillar of fire craft
The Israelites moved on from Sukkoth, and they camped in Etham, at the edge of the desert. HaShem went before them by day with a pillar of cloud, to guide them along the way. By night it appeared as a pillar of fire, providing them with light. They could thus travel day and night. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night never left their position in front of the people.

parashah beshalach - parting the sea

HaShem said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to Me? Speak to the Israelites, and let them start moving. Raise your staff and extend your hand over the sea. You will split the sea, and the Israelites will be able to cross over on dry land.

22 January 2013

Our Tu b'Shevat annual booklet

A delightful story (from YCQ’s Tu B’Shevbat Story ) about an almond tree waiting to bloom that has pictures on each page to color in. The pages can be compiled into a book for a special Tu B’Shevat booklet.
Materials Needed:
• Markers, crayons
• Construction paper for cover
Download HERE the booklet

Shevat tree vocabulary

Beautiful pictures of tree growth and parts make it easy to learn new Hebrew words. Parts of
speech words (nouns, adjectives and verbs) are printed on cards to match to
the correct picture. The word cards can also be used to help build Hebrew sentences. These are perfect for games and to supplement a Shevat display.
HERE you find the words and pictures cards
By Torah Umesorah Educational Resource Center 

Yossi the tree

Yossi, the pomegranate tree, has been touring the classroom to speak about Tu b'Shevat and the Seven Species. With some little offspring

tu b'Shevat Yerushalayim Window Bulletin Board

The bulletin board depicts a beautiful view of םילשורי ריע שדקה as seen from a window. The window ledge is used to display the Shivas Haminim, Seven Species, with which ה ' blessed Eretz
Yisrael. This bulletin board can continue to be a useful teaching tool for  Tu B’Shevat because it so gracefully displays the
" תעבש םינימה וכרבתנש הב ץראה " 
You need
Brown backing paper
Printout of םילשורי scene with window pane
Printout of תעבש םינימה