
12 June 2013

parashah Chukat 2 - parah adumah

The ritual of the Parah Adumah, the red heifer, is part of one of the most mysterious rituals described in the Torah. The purpose of this ritual is to purify people from the defilement caused by contact with the dead. The ritual is discussed in Bamidbar. If you find it difficult to understand, don’t feel bad; our Sages themselves described it as beyond human understanding.
The kids painted totally red a cow toy to have a perfect red heifer.

parashah Chukat

Here’s again as last year what we love to do for the snakes in Chukat, courtesy of Emily Shapiro Katz of ParshaProjects and Challah Crumbs.  
It’s basically a cut-out spiral in a paper plate, it still lies flat, like a plate, then “jumps up” like a real snake.