
10 July 2013

parashah devarim

Devarim, words.
Moshè recalls the journey from Sinai through the great and fearsome desert; the sending of the spies and the people’s subsequent spurning of the Promised Land, so that G‑d decreed that the entire generation of the Exodus would die out in the desert. “Also against me,” says Moshè, “was G‑d angry for your sake, saying: You, too, shall not go in there.
 We did words and letters to illustrate "devarim" and in between gave a special place to the spies episode with Yeoshua and Calev cartoon figures standing on it.
The to add a special meaning to the spies episode recall I added a special "yeoshua and calev pillow" to remember and honor the only two we were loyal to G.d and told the truth
see it at Lekhayim blog