
25 July 2013

parashah Eikev

Moshè tells the Israelites that the land of Israel is constantly dependent upon G‑d for irrigating rains, and that the land is constantly under G‑d's watchful eyes. We then read the second paragraph of the Shema prayer. 
In this section we are admonished to observe G‑d's commandments, which will cause G‑d to supply bountiful rainfall and harvests. Non-observance will lead to exile. We are commanded regarding prayer, tefillin, mezuzah, and teaching Torah to our children.

Fruitfull handmade bright color basket 
After preparing the handmade basket the children filled it with the products of good harvests and bountufukk rainfalls thanks to observance of G.d's commandments. As for past week we focused on the first part of the Shemà, this week we decided to lead our attention to the second part in parashah Eikev.
Just need wood toy fruits and vegetables, coloured webbing tape,ribbons, a pomegrenate and some ears of wheat.
See the basket also here at Lekhayim