
18 September 2013

chag sameach!!!!!!!!!

Wishing everybody a very joyful Sukkot, 
May Your home be blessed with happiness and joy.
Chag Sameach, Shabbat Shalom, and Happy Holiday to us all!

sukkah decorations - paper lanterns

Colourfull handmade paper lanterns to hang in the sukkah

sukkah decorations - jar lanterns

Lace lanterns made from jam glass jars and pieces of lace. Perfect to use as sukkah decorations and decorative lights

cardboard box sukkah

Build a small sukkah for children from a cardboad box

17 September 2013

mini sukkah for children

The chance to decorate another little sukka. Certainly easier to put together than many full size sukkahs...
You need pop sticks, dolls furniture, beads, real moss, twigs, pine cones, wood sticks, green felt, rosemary.