
10 October 2013

footprints for lech lecha every year we made the footprints walk to remember the journey of Avraham this year as well.

parashah lech lecha 2

G‑d commanded Avram to leave his father's house and homeland, and travel to the land that He will show him. As reward for doing so, G‑d promised to make Avram the patriarch of a great nation. Avram obeyed, taking along his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot. 

Modelling clay project of  Avram's journey for youngster

See also

parashah lech lecha

Avram rebuffed the king of Sodom's wish to award him with all the war's spoils. When G‑d reassured Avram that he would be greatly rewarded for his righteousness, Avram broaches his childlessness. "What is the point of all the reward and wealth," Avram cried, "if I have no heir to inherit it?!" 
G‑d assured Avram that he will indeed have a child, and promised that Avram's descendents will be as numerous as the stars of the heaven.

G-d's promise to Avram -Stars of heaven Wooden heart 
Like every year for parashah Lech Lecha we remembered G.d's promise to Avraham. This year my daughter had their pictures between the stars of heaven on a blue hand painted wooden heart to hang on the wall.

See also