
11 February 2014

parashah Ki Tisah

The people of Israel are told to each contribute exactly half a shekel of silver to the Sanctuary. Instructions are also given regarding the making of the Sanctuary’s water basin, anointing oil and incense. 
Early on in this week's portion, Ki Tisah, G.d describes the sacred blend of spices that go into formulating the anointing oil that will be used to make everything in the tabernacle holy. A lot of the ingredients aren't recognizable to a modern day reader - with cinnamon being an exception.
It would have be fun to make something with spices and with cinnamon then to use it as, for example, havdalah spices bag and something with oil and cinnamon. 
"This shall be an anointing oil sacred to Me throughout the ages, it must not be rubbed on any person's body and you MUST NOT MAKE ANYTHING LIKE IT in the same proportions, it is sacred, to be held sacred by you." we're not using any of the same other spices, not trying to replicate it or it's portions, but making a spice  good smelling mix and learning how to mix oil and spices.
  Havadalah spice bags

 Aromatic spice and herbs oil


parashah Terumah - the "showbread" table and the outdoor copper altar

The Shulchan - Table and the Showbread handmade with popsticks. 
Make a table of popsticks wood covered with pure gold paint with a gold crown all around. 
 the 12 breads

                                                 The outdoor copper altar
G‑d then gave instructions for the construction of the Outdoor Altar. This altar was to be made of copper-plated acacia wood, and it was to have four "horns," vertical projections, protruding from its uppermost corners. The altar, too, was equipped with rings and transportation poles.
 ...We made it of cardboard  and copper painted popsticks...