
30 April 2014

Yom HaAtzmaut this year miscellanous

Yom HaAtzmaut kit
 bottle caps brooches
 tissue bows
paper pinwheels

parashah Emor

The second part of Emor lists the annual Callings of Holiness,the festivals of the Jewish calendar: the weekly Shabbat; the bringing of the Passover offering on 14 Nissan; the seven-day Passover festival beginning on 15 Nissan.
The bringing of the Omer offering from the first barley harvest on the second day of Passover, and the commencement, on that day, of the 49-day Counting of the Omer, culminating in the festival of Shavuot on the fiftieth day. 
Omer Counter
Counting the omer with a counter made of beads of wheat past. Beads are natural or painted with tempera, green and pink. Lag b'Omer is painted red.