
parashah bechukotai

Bechukotai contains a vivid description of the rewards for observing G‑d's commandments and the series of punishments that will befall us if we choose to disregard them.
We are promised incredible blessing if we
observe G‑d's commandments . The blessings include plentiful food "You will be threshing wheat until the grape-harvest, and the grape-harvest will keep you busy until the sowing season!" timely rain, and security. 

Planting and  growing plants
Planting plants with children an give them water to see them grow as a blessing.
Basil, parsley, green beans, potatoes, chives, strawberries, celery

Candle holder as Shavuot decoration

Candle holder with painted flowers 
You can use clovers and spray paint to decor a candle holder too

painted jars for Shavuot

Flowers painted jars
Glass jars painted using spray paint and clovers to stamp floral decorations on the jars. Can be used as Shavot decorations or filled with soil and then add grass and flowers seeds that will grow in time for Shavuot

Parashah Behar

G‑d commands Moshè regarding the Sh'mitah (Sabbatical) and Jubilee years. Every seventh year is a Sabbatical year, when it is forbidden to work the land (in the Land of Israel).
The sh'mitah represented in a flower pot.  
Six years of sowing and harvest and the seventh of rest in miniature...