
19 June 2014

Parashah Korach

G‑d tells Moshè to take a staff from each of the twelve tribes, with the name of each tribe's prince written upon their staff. Another staff was taken to represent the tribe of Levi, and Aaron's name was written on that staff. These staffs were placed overnight in the Holy of Holies chamber of the Tabernacle. Next morning they were removed, and miraculously Aaron's staff had budded with almond blossoms and almonds. This was further proof that Aaron was G‑d's choice for High Priest. 
G‑d commands Moses to return "Aaron's staff" to the Holy of Holies, where it is to remain for perpetuity.
 Aaron's staff, manna and the Tablets


parashah Shelach

Moshè sends scouts to Canaan and all of them,  except Yeoshua  and Calev,  bring back frightening reports. The people react fearfully and rebelliously. 
G‑d allows Moshè to send scouts to reconnoiter the land of Canaan in preparation for their anticipated invasion of the land. One member of every tribe , with the exception of the tribe of Levi , was chosen for this task. Moshè instructed the scouts to bring back a report regarding the nature of the land; its strengths and weaknesses. He also instructed them to bring back samples of the land's produce. They returned to the Israelite encampment with specimens of Canaan's produce, and with an ominous report.

Land of Yisrael wall hanging clay map

 Land of Yisrael wall hanging clay map, handmade and painted.

parashah Behaalotecha

At G‑d's behest, Moshè makes two trumpets, and is instructed how and when to use them
These trumpets were used for several purposes: 

1) To assemble the nation or its leaders. 
2) To signal the beginning of a journey. 
3) The trumpets were blown when the Jews went to battle. 
4) The trumpets were sounded when certain communal sacrifices were offered in the Tabernacle.

 Silver trumpets
Aluminum foils and cardboard trumpets