
24 July 2014

Parashah Massei

In this week's reading, Massei, Moshè reviews the forty years of Israelite journeys through the desert. The Torah discusses the boundaries of Israel.
The Torah recounts the journeys of the Jews in the desert. In the first aliyah the Torah lists the first seven of the 42 journeys which took them from Egypt to the banks of the Jordan. we worked on maps, boundaries and geographical locations

Geographic map Box
Just cut pieces of  geographic maps from an old atlas with which to cover a cardboard box, a shoe box ... and inside put the maps your children will draw during summer of the place and journey they loved the most.

Painting the Yarden river border

Almond oil from Galilee

Galil Almond Oil
Decorated bottle of almond oil from the Galilee in a box
Perfect gift for a friend.

parashah Mattot

The tribes of Reuben and Gad owned lots of cattle. Seeing that the eastern bank of the Yarden (river Jordan) , the lands of Sichon and Og which they had just conquered , had abundant pasture, they asked Moshè if they could remain and settle on the eastern bank. Moshè angrily responds that they are following in the footsteps of the spies who were fearful of the Canaanites, did not want to enter the land of Israel, and discouraged the entire nation from doing so. The Reubenites and Gaddites respond that they will leave their cattle and families behind in fortified cities, and all their men will proceed into Israel with their brethren and lead them in the conquest of the land. Only after all the land has been conquered and settled would they return to the other side of the Yarden.

So this week we focused on the Jordan River painting river pebbles, making a mosaic of river pebbles and preparing a bottle with water from the river

Painted river pebbles 
River in a bottle 
 Hanging stones mosaic


Summer candle holders

Summer candle holders

Summer candle holders made ​​with jam jars
Filled them with blue colored salt or sand.
Use blue paint, twine, salt, food coloring, raffia, shells.