
04 September 2014

lekhayim: Alpine collages

lekhayim: Alpine collages THE ALPS Collage 
Original mountain printable collages from the Alps. 

03 September 2014

Parashah Shofetim

Moshè instructs the Israelites to coronate a king after they enter Israel. A Jewish king may not amass an excessive amount of horses, wives, or personal wealth. The king writes for himself two Torah scrolls. One of them remains with him at all times, a constant reminder to remain humble and follow G‑d's Law.
Paper Crowns 
Children paper crowns made with glossy cardboard, glitter and stickers for Jewish king of Shofetim


01 September 2014

Parashah Reeh

Moshè commands the Israelites to designate every seventh year as a Shmitah (Sabbatical) Year. During this year, creditors must forgive outstanding loans. The section then discusses the obligation to give charity to the poor with a happy heart, and to lend them money if necessary, even if the Shmitah Year is looming. 

Tzedakah Tissue Box 
Tzedakah box obtained from a cardboard rectagular shaped box covered with natural fabrics and precious decorations.