
25 October 2014


Of kosher animals and birds, Noah was commanded to take seven pairs of each species (as opposed to one pair of all other species). Noah, his family, and the required animals boarded the teivah and the mabul began.
 Animals shapes and shadows modern Ark tableau

The tree of Life for parashah Bereshit

After Adam was formed from the earth, G‑d placed him in a garden just east of Eden where G.d plated the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. G‑d permitted Adam to eat from any tree in the garden, with the exception of the Tree of Knowledge. 
Tree of Life necklace
Necklace with Tree of Life handmade. Draw on a rod of pine wood the tree of life, make a hole with a fine point and pass a green waxed thread. Add your favorite wood or stone beads for decoration.


The story of creation in six days. On the first day G‑d made darkness and light. On the second day He formed the heavens, dividing the "upper waters" from the "lower waters." On the third day He set the boundaries of land and sea and called forth trees and greenery from the earth. On the fourth day He fixed the position of the sun, moon and stars. Fish, birds and reptiles were created on the fifth day; land-animals, and then the human being, Adam, on the sixth. G‑d ceased work on the seventh day, and sanctified it as a day of rest.
Creation Collage
Children images collage of the seven days of creation

21 October 2014

Tefillah Geshem on Shemini Atzeret

Children artwork of raindrops on autumn leaves glued on paper

Shemini Atzeret, meaning "the eighth day of assembly," is a Biblical Jewish holiday that follows the Jewish festival of Sukkot. It is written: "On the eighth day you should hold a solemn gathering; you shall not work at your occupation".
Shemini Atzeret marks the beginning of the rainy season following the harvest in Israel.
The prayer for rain, Tefilat Geshem, is the only ritual that is unique to Shemini Atzeret. In ancient times, an offering was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem on Shemini Atzeret. But once the Temple was destroyed, the only Shemini Atzeret ritual that remained was the liturgy requesting rain for a plentiful year.
After the prayer for rain is recited on Shemini Atzeret, the phrase Masheev HaRuach U-Moreed HaGeshem (He causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall) is inserted into the Amidah prayer until Passover.