
28 November 2014


Yaacov left Be'er Sheba and headed towards Charan, to his uncle Laban's home. While traveling, Yaacov encountered "the place" (Mount Moriah) and since the sun had set, he lay down to sleep. In a dream he saw a ladder reaching up to heaven with angels ascending and descending its rungs. G‑d appeared and informed him that He would bequeath the entire land to his descendants, and that He would safeguard him until he returned to Canaan. Yaacov awoke, and now recognizing the holiness of the location, he erected a monument to G‑d, named the location Beth El ("House of G‑d"), and vowed to tithe all his belongings when G‑d's promise of a safe return would be fulfilled.

Yaacov's dream cut and paste board