
13 December 2014

Giving Gelts

Giving gelts tissue bags

Here is a charming way to give gelt... chocolate coins for a sweet treat. Cotton bags handpainted.

Channukah decorations

Hanging Channukah tissue decorations


Dreidels, dreidels, dreidels...


Yaacov and his family settled in Canaan. Of all his sons, Yaacov favored Yosef, the firstborn of his deceased beloved wife Rachel, and he made for him a special robe of fine wool.
Coloring Yosef's robe 
In this week's reading, Vayeishev, Yosef relates to his brothers his grandiose dreams of greatness, arousing their jealousy. He is consequently sold into slavery to an Egyptian master. After defying his Egyptian master's wife, Joseph is thrown into jail, where he interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's cup-bearer and baker .
Yosef's game board
A game with cards asking questions about Yosef's life. Players are trying to empty their hands of cards with questions and to collect the grain card for every right answer they give.

09 December 2014

Channukah apple

Star of David apple. Sun painted.

07 December 2014


Wood Dreidels and jute bag
Hand painted wood dreidels for Channukah coming with handmade jute decorated bags.

Children menorah

Clothespins menorah
Menorah of clothespins made by my little girls