
28 February 2015


G‑d commands the Israelites to build a Tabernacle. He provides the exact details of how to construct it, and how to build the different instruments and vessels which were used therein.

Our homemade Mishkan Model 
G‑d then gave detailed instructions regarding the construction and dimensions of the Tabernacle and its vessels—starting with the Ark that housed the Tablets. The Ark was to be made of gold-plated acacia wood. Rings were to be attached to the corners of the Ark,
wherein were inserted the poles that were used to transport the Ark.
The Tabernacle's sanctuary was to consist of two sections: the innermost chamber was the Holy of Holies, wherein the Ark was to be placed; and the outer chamber was the Holy Chamber, which housed the Menorah and the Table (as well as the Golden Altar which will be described in next week's reading). Two curtains were to be woven of dyed wools and linen. One was to be placed between the Holy of Holies and the Holy Chamber, the other covered the eastern side of the Tabernacle—its entrance.
The covering of the Sanctuary was to consist of several layers of tapestries. The first layer was to be a woven mixture of dyed wools and linen. The second layer was to be made of goat's hair. These two oversized coverings also covered the outsides of the Tabernacle's walls. The very top of the Tabernacle was then to be further covered by dyed ram skins and tachash hides.