
14 March 2015

Vayakhel - Pekudei

In this week's portion, Vayakhel-Pekudei, Moses gathers the Jews and relays to them all the details regarding the construction of the Tabernacle, its vessels, and the priestly garments. The actual construction and assembly is also described. This portion repeats many of the details described in the portions of Terumah and Tetzaveh, wherein G‑d instructed Moses regarding the assembly of all these objects. The Tabernacle is erected, and G‑d's presence dwells therein.
Mishkan booklet to color

Shabbath Parah

The Torah reading of Parah (Numbers 19) is added to the weekly reading. Parah details the laws of the "Red Heifer" and the process by which a person rendered ritually impure by contact with a dead body was purified.
When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, every Jew had to be in a state of ritual purity in time for the bringing of the Passover offering in the Temple. Today, though we're unable to fulfill the Temple-related rituals in practice, we fulfill them spiritually by studying their laws in the Torah. Thus, we study and read the section of Parah in preparation for the upcoming festival of Passover.
Red Heifer painted toy

ki tisa

G‑d tells Moses the recipe for making holy "anointing oil." This oil, which was prepared with various aromatic herbs and fine spices, was used to anoint and sanctify the Tabernacle, its vessels, and Aaron and his sons. The remainder of the oil was put aside, and was used to anoint kings and high priests of future generations. 

Making Cinnamon Scented Oil at Home
This week we are going to explore Torah through our sense of smell. We are also going to discuss the different types of scents; good and bad, sweet and sour, pleasant and bitter. We will discuss the way that fragrance can inspire people’s moods. We will also discuss how at other times in our tradition a scent can be used as an example of certain type personality.
Now in the same vein, this week our parsha is discussing the making of the Shemen Meshechat – the fragrant Anointing Oil (שמן המשחה) which was needed for the inauguration. 

Essential oils are perfect for aromatherapy, massage or various cosmetic solutions. Making homemade essential oil is easy. You could have spotted the method of making essential oils in the ‘Perfume’ movie – it’s called enfleurage and includes soaking flowers or herbs in oil. To make your own essential oil you need only carrier oil and herbs, flowers or beans you’ll be using to infuse it with their flavors. See how at Sparkle woman   
Photo credit: Flickr, Lizzy Lane Farm