
03 September 2015

Tashlich children reminder

On the first day of Rosh Hashanah after the afternoon prayer, we go to a lake, river or sea (preferably a body of water that has fish), and recite the Tashlich prayers, wherein we symbolically cast our sins into the water and leave our old shortcomings behind us, thus starting the new year with a clean slate.
If the first day of Rosh Hashanah falls on Shabbat, Tashlich is done on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. If one is unable to perform this ceremony on Rosh Hashanah, one may do so until the last day of Sukkot (this year, October 4, 2015).
Click here for more about Tashlich, including many reasons for this ancient ritual.
To create fishes take a Styrofoam ball, choose the size of your choice (I chose balls of 5 cm in diameter). Cover the ball with a crochet: use a crochet n2 and cotton yarn thin, white and blue. Create two hemispheres, one white and one blue, enter the Styrofoam ball between the two and sew them together with the blue yarn creating, while sewing, fins and tail.
Use two small button for the eyes. 
On the top of the fish crochet some chain to make a hole to hold the metal ring.

Revisited alarm clock - Ikea Hack

I don’t know about you, but I adore visiting Ikea.  
Some of my favourite things to look at are Ikea Hacks, which are simple ways to modify products from Ikea’s extensive range to more suit your style and taste. Since time to go back to school for children is near, I had a go at modifying one of Ikea’s cheapest products: the alarm clock for kid's room.
The Ticka clock  is a plain white alarm clock, despite its practicality it isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing clock in the world, but it's the perfect candidate for some crafty improvements.
I decided to use an old book pages, I've cut some images such as flowers and birds then glued on the clock as it was a decoupage. I used Mod Podge inside the clock and on the top of it.  I am a hardcore Mod Podge fan. I have used it since I first heard of it and I have always been happy with the results I get from it, The original "Matte" finish Mod Podge, great for all types of projects and most surfaces and the alarm clock is ready