
20 October 2015

A creative friend from Italy - "Il diario di Andrea" blog

Happy to host: Lifestyle of a very special woman!
 Visit Andrea's diary and enjoy reading her view of life

Noach - Pop Up animals shapes

While society as a whole descended into a state of anarchy and utter corruption, only Noah remained righteous and faithful to G‑d's ways. Noah was informed by G‑d that a mabul ("flood") will soon destroy all of civilization, and only Noah and his immediate family would survive in a teivah ("ark," boat) that he was to build. G‑d gave Noah the exact dimensions of the teivah he was to build, and commanded Noah to bring along into the teivah specimens of every species of animal and bird to repopulate the world after the mabul, and to stock the boat with food to feed all its inhabitants.
Pop up paper abstract shapes of animals. Draw the shape of the animals you like the most, cut the and laminate. Create your abstract pop up ark...

Bereshit - the fifth day

In the Torah's opening reading, Bereishit, G‑d creates the world in six days and rests on the seventh. Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge and are expelled from the Garden of Eden. Cain slays Abel and is punished accordingly. Enumeration of the ten generations between Adam and Noah, the birth of Noah, and the degeneration of mankind.
We still focus on the section that recounts the story of creation in six days. On the first day G‑d made darkness and light. On the second day He formed the heavens, dividing the "upper waters" from the "lower waters." On the third day He set the boundaries of land and sea and called forth trees and greenery from the earth. On the fourth day He fixed the position of the sun, moon and stars. 

Fish, birds and reptiles were created on the fifth day

Create a DIY sea diorama inside an upcycled jar. It is easy  to make and simple while talking about the days of creation with children. Use some gravel or shells dust ( you can find it at pet shops), add some small pebbles, an plant for aquarium and a coloured stone. Finish with one or two toys fishes. Take care to add boiled  water or distilled water to prevent lime deposits.

19 October 2015

Shabbath Shalom

Time to rest and have joy.
Stop, park, leave your car  and enjoy a family Shabbath meal...
Let's play!

Parashah cards

Each card features a drawing portraying a major topic discussed in the Parashah. It also includes information such as the number Parashah it is in the Torah, the number of Mitzvos the Parashah contains and the number of Pesukim, words and letters of which the Parashah is comprised. Utilize these cards to help  recall the names of the Parashot, the order in which they are read, the main events occurring in each Parashah and more! 
Why don't distribute the cards as a behavioral incentive or as a gift L’chvod Shabbos each week... From
Download the cards and instruction here

Homemade geoboard

The Geoboard is a tool for exploring a variety of mathematical topics introduced in the elementary and middle grades. Learners stretch bands around pegs to form line segments and polygons 
Geoboards offer opportunities for hands-on exploration of geometric concepts, including shapes, symmetry, congruency, area, perimeter, coordinates and spatial relationships.
An homemade geoboard is quite simple ti do. Take a wooden cutting board and some nails. Paint your cutting board and plant the nails following the geometric pattern that you have drawn first on the chopping board. Put rubber bands ...and play
Try a virtual geoboard here

Decorated fall leaves with raindrops

Cheshvan is the second month of the Jewish calendar counting from Rosh Hashanah. Cheshvan is the only month that does not have any holidays or special mitzvot. We are taught that it is “reserved” for the time of Moshiach, who will inaugurate the Third Temple in the month of Cheshvan.
The great flood in the days of Noach began in this month, and it was a year later, also in the month of Cheshvan, that Noach left the ark.
Cheshvan is called the month of bool (בּוּל) a name that stems from the word for “flood” (מַבּוּל). The flood began on the 17th of Cheshvan, and ended the following year on the 27th of Cheshvan. On the following day, the 28th of Cheshvan, Noach brought his sacrifice to God and God swore never again to bring a flood upon the earth to destroy all mankind, and then revealed the sign of His covenant with the world, the rainbow.

Collect the first autumn leaves, decorate them (the children will really like it) with brushes or permanent markers. Laminate the leaves in a single composition. On a sheet of glossy transparent drawn with the marker some raindrops. Make it rain on the leaves by joining the two sheets.