
13 April 2016

Shabbath Hagadol - the felt lamb

The Shabbat which precedes Passover is called Shabbat haGadol, the Great Sabbath, for many and varied reasons, as we shall explain below.
There are also many special customs associated with this Shabbat. It was in Egypt that Israel celebrated the very first Shabbat Ha-Gadol on the tenth of Nissan, five days before their redemption. On that day, the Children of Israel were given their first commandment which applied only to that Shabbat, but not to future generations: On the tenth day of this month [Nissan]... each man should take a lamb for the household, a lamb for each home
This mitzvah of preparing a lamb for the Passover offering four days before it was to be brought, applied only to that first Passover in Egypt, and the Torah does not tell us that we must continue to do so before every future Passover. Nevertheless, the people continued to do this to make sure that their lambs had no blemishes which would preclude their being sacrificed.

This is a felt lamd for Shabbath Hagadol with chidren.
The lamb is an ornament, it can best be used as a decoration on your children bed or it can hang from anywhere you wish!
It is made from white felt with black felt accents. A white satin ribbon is stitched securely so it can hang. Is is stuffed and is 3" tall.

Pesach cootie catcher

Using the blank cootie catcher template and adapting it to teach children about Pesach.
download the template HERE
Prepare your paper. To make a cootie catcher, you must use a piece of paper that is in the shape of a square. If you have a rectangular piece of paper, you can fold it into a square and cut off the excess. To do this, fold one corner of the paper diagonally across until the edges line up. There should be a long rectangular piece of unfolded paper left on the bottom, which should be removed by cutting or tearing.
Fold your paper lengthwise. With your paper now in the shape of a square, fold it in half so that the edges line up and you’re left with a rectangular shape. Crease the edge so that the fold is defined and secure. Then, unfold the paper back into the shape of a square.
Fold your paper widthwise. When your paper has been unfolded back into its original square shape, fold it in half again but this time in the opposite direction of the previous fold. Crease the fold to keep it in place, and then unfold the square again. The square should have a large ‘X’ going through the center of it now.