
19 February 2017

Shivat Haminim easy mobile

The Seven Species (Shivat Haminim in Hebrew) are the seven types of fruits and grains named in the Torah  as the main produce of the land of Israel. In ancient times these foods were staples of the Israelite diet. They were also important in the ancient Jewish religion because one of the Temple tithes derived from these seven foods. The tithe was called the bikkurim, which meant "first fruits."
Today the seven species are still important agricultural items in modern Israel but they no longer dominate the produce of the country as they once did. On the holiday of Tu B'Shvat it has become traditional for Jews to eat from the seven species
Shivat Haminim rustic mobile. Laminated hand painted cards hanging from a natural branch.

Trees illustrated cards

Collection of illustrated cards with different kind of trees. Prints, natural paper, laminated.
Pear, peach, birch, chestnut, olive, laurel, hazel, pine, pomegranate, apple, maple, walnut, pear, magnolia, almond, oak, willow.