
27 March 2012

Makkot cards memoty game in plastic envelopes

I took two small plastic envelopes to do our Eser Hamakkot cards game ready for my daughters. Usefull to look at even during the Seder.
Children will match the correct pictures and names to the words to gain an understanding of how the Makkos affected the Mitzrim in contrast to the Jews. 
Very simple Memory game in which children match the Hebrew word for each Makka with its illustration. This game is an excellent way to review the ten plagues and practice Hebrew Kriya at the same time. 
Click here for  cards PDF
You can add to the cards a cartoon makkot wheel.
Spin the makkos wheel and point to each makkah in turn. Each makkah is drawn in a pie-shaped slice of the wheel. This is a good visual aid for the children to understand the entirety of the ten plagues in one glance and to help them in seeing the sequencing of the makkos.
Click here for the wheel PDF

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