
27 March 2012

Shabbath Hagadol playing project.

Shabbat HaGadol ( שבת הגדול) is the Shabbat immediately before Passover.  
According to tradition, the 10th of Nisan in the year of the exodus was a Shabbath. 
It was considered a great event, in fact a miracle, that the Israelites could on that day select a lamb for sacrifice without being molested by their Egyptian masters, who, at other times, would have stoned them for such daring (Code of Jewish Law, Orach Chayyim 430: 1).

Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, "In the tenth day of this month they shall take every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for a house." (Shemot12:3) 

So we made a little bedroom with the korban ready for Pesach.
You just need a medium cartoon box, polystyrene, collage paper, magazines, fluorescent stars, lamb and doll.
Then you place inside it some decorations made out of  collage paper
some paper objects the childre will cut from magazines
a pillow, covers and carpets made of felt
a polystyrene bed
sticking fluorescent room stars 
a little lamb and a doll.

I have two daughters so there are two girl dolls inside the room...

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