
17 April 2012

Yom HaZicaron prayer

Yom Hazikaron - Israel's Memorial Day ( יום הזכרון לחללי מערכות ישראל ולנפגעי פעולות האיבה lit. Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day) is a day when Israel honors its fallen soldiers as well and its civilian terror victims. 

We made our little special preparation for the Yom HaZicaron prayer, so the children can have they're own and learn about the feeling of the memorial day

Special Yizkor Prayer Memorializing Israel's Fallen Heroes

May G.d remember the souls of His heroic children: The fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who fell in the wars of Israel, in defensive, retaliative, and security actions and during the fulfillment of their duty, including the souls of the underground fighters and brigades who fought in the national struggle - all those who sacrificed their lives for the sanctification of G.d's Name.
And with the help of G.d, the Lord of Israel's campaigns, they brought about the revival of the nation and the state and the redemption of the land and the city of G.d.
They were quicker than eagles and stronger than lions as they volunteered to assist the nation, and they saturated our holy land with their pure blood.
The memory of their self-sacrifice and heroic deeds will never disappear from us. May their souls be bound in the Bond of Life with the souls of Avraham, Itzack and Yaacov, and with the souls of the other heroes and martyrs of Israel who are in the Garden of Eden. Amen.

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