
04 May 2012

a little mitzvot jar

In Parashat Kedoshim there are lots of nice sweet mitzvot.
Once you selected a handful of the most accessible mitzvot in the parashat ( respecting elders and parents, not speaking lashon hara, loving your brother... ) try a different "mitzvah tree" and create a "mitzvah jar."
A  jars  to be filled with  beans everytime your child perform a mitzvah to encourage good behavior. When a good deed is done, you’d write it down on a piece of paper and put a bean the Mitzvah Jar. 

Motivate the whole family to be kind and helpful to others.
No shopping required, just look in the kitchen for a glass container, for example some yogurts are sold into glass containers...
Glue on it a mitzvah tree image (you find plenty on Google).
Put some beans into another jar or small vessel and it is ready.

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