
12 February 2013

parasha Terumah

Parashat Terumah opens with G-d speaking to Moshè on Mount Sinai and commanding him in meticulous detail regarding the construction of the Mishkan, or “tabernacle,” the portable dwelling place of G-d’s presence that the Israelites could promptly assemble, dismantle, transport, and then reassemble during their sojourn in the desert.
MISHKAN cut and paste  
This cut and paste familiarizes children the basic layout of the mishkan, its major
keilim, and the two types of kohanim. 
HERE the sample

Them you can rovide an easy way for children to involve themselves in "constructing" their
own mishkan. Laminate the basic layout of the mishkan, its major keilim, and the two types of kohanim and place them in the right place

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