
19 February 2013

Parashah Tetzaveh

The choshen cratf to visualize the Coen Gadol breastplate
The priestly breastplate  was the sacred breastplate worn by the Coen Gadol.The choshen is sometimes termed the breastplate of judgement, because the Urim and Thummim were placed within.

The mitznefet craft to visualize the Coen Gadol turban
 Priestly turban (Hebrew mitznefet): that of the High Priest was much larger than that of the priests and wound so that it formed a broad, flat-topped turban; that for priests was wound so that it formed a cone-shaped turban, called a migbahat.
Make an altar to burn incense out of acacia wood. It shall be square, a cubit long and a cubit wide, and 2 cubits high, including its horns.  Cover it with a layer of pure gold, on its top, its walls all around, and its horns. Make a gold rim all around it. Place two gold rings under the altar's rim on its two opposite sides as receptacles to hold the poles with which it is carried.

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