
07 November 2013

Parashah vayetze

Leah gave birth to four children – Reuben, Simon, Levi, and Yehuda – but Rachel remained barren. Rachel and Leah both gave their handmaids to Yaacov as concubines. Rachel's maid, Bilhah, bore two children – Dan and Naftali – and Leah's maid also bore two children—Gad and Asher. One spring day, Reuben picked jasmine plants from the field, and brought them to his mother. Rachel asks Leah for some of them, and Leah agreed, provided that Rachel relinquishes her turn with Jacob that night. Leah gave birth to another two sons – Issachar and Zebulun – and one daughter—Dinah. Eventually, Rachel, too, gave birth to a son, whom she named Yosef. CUT AND PASTE FAMILY TREE
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