
13 February 2013

Purim characters

Six adorable Purim puppets that represent the  main Purim characters (Achashveirosh,
Haman, Esther, Mordechai, and Vashti) . These puppets are the perfect portable prop to portray the Purim story.
HERE the puppets to print

Purim - graggers

Purim gragger ideas
When the Purim Meghliah is read, everyone boos and shakes their graggers whenever Haman's name is mentioned. Use one of the ideas below to make your own gragger.
SHAKER type gragger with empy water and juice bottles filled with colored rice.

parashah teruma - Menorah and curtain panel

Print a Menorah and decorate it with glue and a lot of golden glitter

The Mishkan is draped with a number of different coverings:
1. A layer of woven curtains (yeriot):
And the Mishkan shall you make of ten curtains; of six-ply-twisted fine linen, blue, purple and cream wool, woven into cherubim shall you make them.
The Parochet (Partition), which separates the Holy from the Holy-of-Holies, is set directly underneath the hooks, which “resemble the stars set in the sky.

parashah terumah - Aaron Chodesh

The Holy Ark  in the Torah it refers to the portable 'tabernacle' or Mishkan.
We made a wooden Ark, glod painted with laminated cartoon Cherubim and blue luchot

12 February 2013

parasha Terumah

Parashat Terumah opens with G-d speaking to Moshè on Mount Sinai and commanding him in meticulous detail regarding the construction of the Mishkan, or “tabernacle,” the portable dwelling place of G-d’s presence that the Israelites could promptly assemble, dismantle, transport, and then reassemble during their sojourn in the desert.
MISHKAN cut and paste  
This cut and paste familiarizes children the basic layout of the mishkan, its major
keilim, and the two types of kohanim. 
HERE the sample

Them you can rovide an easy way for children to involve themselves in "constructing" their
own mishkan. Laminate the basic layout of the mishkan, its major keilim, and the two types of kohanim and place them in the right place

Purim - meghillot Ester

Meghillat craft:
Seven small toy colourfull felt hand sewed and decorated meghillot Ester for Purim
with wooden sticks,beads, paper.