
08 January 2014

parashah Beshalach - Shabbath Shirà

This Shabbath, on which the Torah portion of Beshalach is read, is known as Shabbath Shirà, The Sabbath of Song. The source of this special name is the portion of Beshalach, in which we read of the song the entire nation of Israel sang after the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea. This song, which is recited every day as part of the morning prayers, is a special song. Because of the importance of this song, the Shabbath on which we read it takes the name of "Sabbath of the Song." 
Myriam homemade tambourine
this year our tambourine is made with plastic plates, wool and wood beans
...Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing

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