
04 March 2014

Haman’s sons bowling game

Haman's sons
Let’s not forget about Haman evil sons, who joined in with enthusiasm in his wicked plot and were hanged as a result! This game is fun to make and play for any age boys or girls. It can also be used to reinforce kriyah skills as players could be challenged to say the names of the sons.
You need: plastic caps, polystyrene balls, pieces of fabrics, a ball, colored cardboard

1. Line up sons on mat.
2. Put a piece of making tape on the floor 3 or 4 feet back from mat to show show where the bowling line is.
3. Bowl from behind the line, and knock ‘em down!

inspired from:Walder Education Pavilion of Torah Umesorah
Created by Donna Zeffren and adapted by Shaindel Hinda Frank from an idea in Family Fun Magazine

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