
29 May 2014

Parashah nasso

The priestly blessings.
"Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: This is how you shall bless the children of Israel . . .”
The Hebrew term for the Priestly Blessing is Birkat Kohanim, also known as Nesi’at Kapayim, the “lifting of the hands,” because of the priests’ uplifted hands, through which the divine blessings flow. 
BIRKAT KOHANIM on the Land of Israel
The Nazir.
The laws of the individual who vows to be a Nazirite. Such a person must abstain from wine and grape products, allow his/her hair to grow, and may not come in contact with a human corpse. At the conclusion of the term of the vow, the Nazirite brings certain offerings in the Temple.
Shimshon and the lion homemade puzzle 


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