
10 July 2014

Ma tovu (parashah Balak)

 Balak takes Balaam to another place, hoping that Balaam can curse the Jews from there. For a third time they build altars and bring offerings, and for a third time, only blessings issue from Balaam's mouth: "How goodly are your tents, O Yaacov, your dwelling places, O Israel! ... G‑d, who has brought them out of Egypt with the strength of His loftiness He shall consume the nations which are his adversaries ... Those who bless them shall be blessed, and those who curse them shall be cursed." At this point, Balak despairs of accomplishing his goal, and sends Balaam on his way.
Felt abstract tents of Yaacov - Yisrael encampment
ispiration for the felt modules from The Purl Bee


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