
02 March 2015

Mishloach Manot

Mishloach manot, which means the “sending of portions” in Hebrew, are gifts of food and drink that Jews send to each other during the holiday of Purim. Sending mishloach manot is a mitzvah that is meant to ensure that everyone has enough food to enjoy the traditional Purim feast. It is also thought of as an opportunity to strengthen relationships between people. What better way to show someone you’ve thought about them during the holiday than by sending a gift basket?
Decorated tin boxes Prurim baskets
Breakfast milk cups Purim baskets
Oatmeal containers Purim baskets

                      Colored tin baskets with handles

Purim baskets from empty tea, coffee boxes and oatmeal containers.
Download and print Purim collage from NORUNNINGWITHSCISSOR  then glue it on empty boxes and paint it with Modd Podge.
Downlaod Purim wrapping paper pieces that are going on oatmeal containers that will be filled with mishloach manot, food gifts for Purim from LEORAW

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