
01 March 2015


This week's Parshah, Tetzaveh, we discover the special garments worn by the priests and high priest when serving in the Tabernacle.
 Laminated cohanim cards

 The High Priest's Choshen Mishpat ("Breastplate of Judgment"). It contained four rows of precious stones, each row containing three stones. Artisans engraved the names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel upon these twelve stones. This cloth breastplate contained a fold wherein the Urim v'Tumim, a parchment on which was written G‑d's Name, was inserted. The Choshen Misphat was then secured by straps which connected it to the ephod.

Choshen Mishpat craft

 Downlaod the cards images from Temple Institute and read about priestly garments

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