
02 April 2015

Bedikat Chametz

Bedikas Chametz Kit
Pesach is celebrated this year on April 14 – 22. One of the many components to Pesach is the initial search for “Chametz” once the house has been cleaned thoroughly to make sure there are no leavened particles in the house
These Chametz Kits are great favors for a kids pre-Pesach Project. The paper bags are perfect to hold the items needed to search for chametz: a wooden spoon, a candle, a feather.
The pieces of bread are hidden throughout the house, the candle is lit, a special blessing is said, and upon finding the pieces of chametz (bread), they are scooped up using the feather into the spoon and then tossed into the paper bag.
Once all 10 pieces of bread are found, another blessing is said and the paper bag is tied together with the string and all it’s contents, until the following morning when it is burned. 
See labels at

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