
11 August 2015

Tisha b'Av - Jerusalem painted bricks

The saddest day on the Jewish calendar is the Ninth of Av, “Tisha B’Av.” It is the date when both our Holy Temples were destroyed, and exile, persecution and spiritual blackness began.
Tisha B’Av starts at sundown of the eighth of Av and lasts till the following nightfall.
From the ashes of the destroyed Temple will rise an incomparably magnificent edifice. Exile will give birth to redemption. It is a tradition that our redeemer will be born on Tisha B’Av. It is a day of anticipation and hope, for “One who mourns Jerusalem will merit seeing her happiness.

With some dry air clay create with children some fake bricks, with small brushes and acrylic colours paint on them a picture you like of Yersushalayim. Let the paintings "unfinished" and the edges of the fake bricks inaccurate as if they had been removed or fallen. Create fractures along the bricks and then arrange it with glue.
Con delle creta create con i bambini dei finti mattoni, con pennelli e colori acrilici dipingete l'immagine che preferite di Yersushalayim. Lasciate i disegni "incompiuti" e i bordi dei finti mattoni imprecisi come se fossero stati tolti o caduti. Create delle fratture lungo i mattoni e poi aggiustatele con colla vinilica.

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