
01 October 2015

Lulav and Etrog miniature

Every day of Sukkot (except Shabbat) we take the arba minim, a.k.a. “Four Kinds.” Sukkot is a seven-day holiday starting on 15 Tishrei and concluding on 21 Tishrei.
What are the four kinds? A palm branch (lulav), two willows (aravot), a minimum of three myrtles (hadassim) and one citron (etrog). The first three kinds are neatly bundled together,byour arba minim vendor can assemble it for you.
Not all sets of arba minim on the market are kosher. Check with your rabbi.
Arba minim is a man’s obligation. For women, it’s optional but encouraged. 

Best place for doing this mitzvah is the sukkah, the outdoor holiday booth.

Miniature of Lulav and Etrog made of air dry polymer clay.  Children will enjoy make plenty pf them! You can use them as placeholders for your guests at your Sukkah table.

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