
29 November 2015

Chaye Sarah - Rivka and water

In Chayei Sarah Abraham's servant travels to Aram to find a wife for Yitzack: Rivka.
The servant set out for his master's homeland and evening time found him beside the city well. He prayed for success in his mission, and asked for a heavenly sign to confirm his choice of a girl for Yitzack. He would ask a maiden for a drink of water, and the one who would answer: "Certainly, and I'll also give your camels to drink as well," would be the proper choice. Immediately a young lady approached and in response to the servant's request for a drink, she offered to give his camels to drink too. Upon questioning her, he discovered that she was Abraham's great-niece, Rivka.

As Eliezer stood by the well in Charan, Rivka walked toward it. The posuk tells us that as soon as Eliezer watched Rivka begin to draw water, he raced toward her and asked her the pre-determined questions. The gracious response led to our destiny.
The Medrash questions why Eliezer raced forward to greet Rivka. It answers that as Rivka went to draw water, Eliezer saw a miraculous event. As she lowered her bucket, the waters in the well rose to greet her. Therefore Eliezer ran to greet this maiden, as this was a spiritual individual who must truly be Yitzchak’s bashert (pre-ordained). 

To associate water miracle with Rivka create a water gift for your children friends. Arrange to get some Yarden water from Israel then pour into glass ampoules and label them. Add some white sand or shell grains if you like.
download ampoules labels  HERE

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