
02 December 2015

Hanukkah decorations

Tissue Star of David. Hanging decorations for Hanukkah

01 December 2015

Hanukkah decorations

Handmade wood star of David place marks for Hanukkah table

Hanukkah jars

Holiday jars for handpainted wood dreidels and gelts.

Pine cones stars

Winter pine cones handmade six pointed stars, could be nice decorations for Hanukkah too.

Hanging Hanukkah decorations

Hanging six pointed star decorations handpainted with glittering menorah for Hanukkah

Hanukkah...homemade menorah 3

Homemade menorah made with used Hanukkah decorations. We had these hanging lights decorations at home that did not work anymore so I decided to used them to create a new menorah for children on a wood basis.

Hanukkah...homemade menorah 2

Corks handmade menorah. Easy to do and geometric menorah made of corks, Just collect them,  glue them in  and decorate as you like. the best way you like

Hanukkah...homemade menorah 1

Toy dinosaur menorah for children. Homemade, quick , easy to do and the children... will love it!

Hanukkah tablecloth

White cotton tablecloth handpainted and decorated with Magen David stamps and glittering menorah.

29 November 2015

Simple as pasta...

Lasagna, rigatoni, farfalle....simple as pasta is...a simple menorah made of different types of pasta.

Chaye Sarah - Rivka and water

In Chayei Sarah Abraham's servant travels to Aram to find a wife for Yitzack: Rivka.
The servant set out for his master's homeland and evening time found him beside the city well. He prayed for success in his mission, and asked for a heavenly sign to confirm his choice of a girl for Yitzack. He would ask a maiden for a drink of water, and the one who would answer: "Certainly, and I'll also give your camels to drink as well," would be the proper choice. Immediately a young lady approached and in response to the servant's request for a drink, she offered to give his camels to drink too. Upon questioning her, he discovered that she was Abraham's great-niece, Rivka.

As Eliezer stood by the well in Charan, Rivka walked toward it. The posuk tells us that as soon as Eliezer watched Rivka begin to draw water, he raced toward her and asked her the pre-determined questions. The gracious response led to our destiny.
The Medrash questions why Eliezer raced forward to greet Rivka. It answers that as Rivka went to draw water, Eliezer saw a miraculous event. As she lowered her bucket, the waters in the well rose to greet her. Therefore Eliezer ran to greet this maiden, as this was a spiritual individual who must truly be Yitzchak’s bashert (pre-ordained). 

To associate water miracle with Rivka create a water gift for your children friends. Arrange to get some Yarden water from Israel then pour into glass ampoules and label them. Add some white sand or shell grains if you like.
download ampoules labels  HERE

Hannukah garland

download the garland here
or go to • ©2013 My Own Labels | Evermine

Countdown to Channukah

Soon this year Hannukah crafts will be ready to post..meanwhile we start Channukah countdown with some printables you can find looking around the web...

Jeans cases

Many ways to upcycle used jeans.

Winter syrup of pine cones

Homemade of syrup of pine cones from pines cones collected at 1880m in the Alps.

Pine cones cough syrup has quickly moved from the underbelly of natural remedies into the mainstream spotlight due to its potency in alleviating symptoms associated with post nasal drip and respiratory illnesses. The most impressive part? This medicine utilizes 100% natural and cheap and/or free ingredients, which makes it an ideal choice for those seeking to minimize their exposure to synthetic chemicals or when access to pharmaceuticals is unavailable, such as during a natural disaster or camping trip.
The Ingredients
The potency of cone needle cough syrup is only matched by its simplicity. To make this homemade medicine, all you need is:
  • ¼ cup of pine needles (specifically from the Eastern White Pine)
  • ½ cup of filtered water
  • ½ cup of raw sugar (preferably from a local source)
Step One
– Pour the water and cones into a pot and bring the water to wash them properly until the water has adopted a brownish-yellowish hue.
Step Two – Strain the cones out of the water and let them dry.
Step Three – put the cones into a glass jar and add the sugar into jar until youu cover the cones. Let to rest the ingredients in a sunny warm place until the liquid transforms into a syrup-like consistency.
Step Four – Once the liquid has thickened, pour into a resealable glass jar and allow it to rest.
Step Five – Consume 1 to 2 teaspoons as needed to control your cough and soothe throat and lung irritation. Refrigerate between uses.